Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rhetoric: Shakespearean Sonnet

Jesse Broussard
Chalcedon Term Rhetoric
Word Count: 128

Engraving Hearts and Stone

“I know not why, why lovers, lovers die.” A
Thus, Lewis’ angel, spying mortals, longs B
To taste the cup (caressed by envious eye) A
Of pain, while we? We’re screaming mordant songs B
Of loves undone to never be regained, C
“That long disease, our life”—a damned blockade D
Of raging death, affections merely feigned— C
Yes, gladly with the angel we would trade. D
Yet, what means water to a sated earth? E
And what, to those who cannot die, is life? F
The best of buds are those that bloom in dearth. E
Thus joy and pain, conjoined within my wife— F
The girl content while ragged on the rack— G
Wrought more on earth than just her granite plaque. G

The letters to the right are the rhyme scheme.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quick comment on John

The "One Whom Jesus Loved" is my favorite author of all of Scripture. Yes, Ezekiel is psychotic, yes, the Psalms are sheer raw emotion, and Dear God, Song of Solomon--but I must say, John is shattering.

The book of John is the only non-synoptic gospel, and it is set up in a very intriguing fashion: it is the Yom Kippur, the great re-entry into the Holy of Holies. This is why the miracles are grouped in similar groups: water miracles are all together (laver), "light" miracles are all together (lampstands), resurrection is the High Priest returning from the Holy of Holies (his offering having been accepted), etc. It would take more time than I can currently (it's midnight, I'm getting up at five) afford to give to it.

Just keep that in mind when reading it.

And remember when you hit the end--in Hebrew, Gedi=17, Eglaim=153, and 153 is the triangular of 17. Fish always represent the Gentiles, and the sea represents the Gentile nations. So, read Ezekiel's "shall flow from En Gedi to En Eglaim" and then John 21, and keep in mind that Christ eating the fish is Christ making them part of himself and stating that their union with Him is God's will (my food is to do the will of him who sent me...) and a thousand other things all in one.

Even when eating, He speaks volumes.

Jesse Broussard

Quick Comment on Matthew

Matthew is one of the more structurally interesting books of the Bible (though not quite as cool as Revelation, John, or Deuteronomy). It simply portrays Christ as the new Israel and the new King, point by point.

1). Genealogy: portrays Christ as the new David (see half of my previous posts)

2). Dreams save him (Joseph)

3). "Out of Egypt have I called my son..."

4). Slaughter of the innocents (Israel has here become the new Egypt, which means that plagues will come upon her, and the Covenant of God will go out from her)

5). Baptized upon return from Egypt (Red Sea)

6). Theophany (pillar of fire and smoke, mountain, etc.)

7). Forty days=forty years: 1 God's Word above food=transgressed God's Word out of desire for food; 2 You shall not tempt your God=Where your fathers tested me (Hebrews 3:9); 3 Refusal of idolatry on the mountain=idolatry while "on" (via Moses) the mountain.

8). Conquest of Canaan.

The list goes on and on. Just interesting to keep in mind when reading Matthew.

Wodehousian Fun