Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ahh, Rhetoric...

A few more intriguing statements from the King of Commonplaces.

"Just because Mr. Grieser and I both think you suck doesn't mean we don't like you."

" 'Cause Darwin has a big, scary beard, like a prophet."

"Every time I come into Moscow from Pullman, I see the sign that says 'Welcome to Moscow, Heart of the Arts.' On my left is an enormous Wall-Mart, and on my right is the sewage treatment plant. It makes me warm inside."

This is a small sampling of a few of his worse ones, but I'll have to get my Commonplace book to give you better ones.



My Apologies

Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted. Life has been unusually insane, but appears to be slowing down somewhat.

I will be coming home at the end of this week, probably pulling an all-nighter to arrive Saturday morning, or, should I be more tired, Saturday afternoon or evening.

School is going all right, but not as well as last term. My Latin grade is very low--failing low--but I am actually starting to somewhat recover. I found that a mix of pain meds and the NSA course load is not exactly a great mix. I would end up trying to read the two-hundred pages or whatever we happened to have due, and falling asleep on page ten. I was proud of myself for catching up--no easy feat--but my streak of being always current in everything was broken in Lordship, and almost all of my Latin quizzes were M's.

Much beyond this there is little to say. I have a computer now, thanks to Duane's tireless labor in selling my house.

Blessings, and I'll see you all soon.

Jesse Broussard

Wodehousian Fun